NASA seems to have contaminated the Mars rover Curiosity with Earth bacteria, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The contamination happened when a team member opened a previously sterile box of drill bits and placed one of the bits in the drilling mechanism. It was done in clean, but not sterile conditions.
Why does it matter? Well, scientists think that Earth contamination could grow on Mars if it makes contact with water. That would be a bad thing. We would never know, when we do find life on Mars, if it came from Earth first.
To prevent this from happening, NASA created the Planetary Protection program, to ensure that all parts of anything that goes into space is clear of Earth contamination, especially in the cases when the thing in question might encounter liquid or solid water. That's why rovers like Curiosity are built in clean rooms.
Even taking all these precautions, they can't be perfect — some bacteria is bound to end up on Mars, the LA Times writes:
About 250,000 bacterial spores throughout Curiosity are assumed to have survived the landing, officials said. Nearly all of them are believed to have perished within minutes of exposure to the harsh Martian conditions in Gale Crater — freezing temperatures, intense ultraviolet radiation and an atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide.
But scientists have learned in recent years that some Earth life forms can live in space and in at least some of the conditions found on Mars.
Opening the box of drill bits was a calculated risk, NASA said. If something went wrong with the rover and the drill mechanism was damaged during landing, the mission would be compromised. With a bit in the drill, barring any spectacular landing failure, the rover would be able to drill when it touched down on the Martian surface.
They figured it would be ok, since they aren't likely to find water where Curiosity landed.
"Water or ice near the surface in Gale Crater was not a significant probability," study researcher David Lavery, program executive for solar system exploration at NASA headquarters, told The LA Times. "We weighed that against the risks of not having a bit mounted in the drill prior to launch, and the specter of not being able to drill any holes at all on Mars."
OK, so it makes logical sense, but the problem? They didn't even ask the Planetary Protection Officer Catharine Conley before they did it. Many of the scientists working on the project aren't worried, but this could mean that if Curiosity does happen upon water, she'll have to turn around without drilling.