Later today, Venus will be visible (weather permitting) as a small black dot moving across the face of the sun for the last time this century.
The phenomenon, known as the transit of Venus, last occurred in 2004, but won't happen again until 2117.
That's because the rare event when Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun only happens four times every 243 years in strange increments: 125.5 years, eight years, 105.5 years, then eight years.
When can you catch the show?
For New Yorkers, the roughly seven-hour event will be visible beginning at 6:04 p.m. EDT until sundown at 8:24 p.m.
Most sky-watchers will only get to see a couple hours of the planet's historic journey, unless you live in Hawaii, which will be able to witness the whole transit.
Also remember that like a solar eclipse, you can't stare directly at the sun and will need to wear special glasses. (Here's a neat guide to making your own protective eye gear).
If you're worried about your eyes or can't step outside at all, NASA will be streaming the whole thing.
Plan on watching the transit of Venus tonight? Send your photos to and we'll share them.
SEE ALSO: Awesome Pictures Of The Solar Eclipse >
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