When the European Space Agency (ESA) lost contact with its Schiaparelli lander on October 19, the probe was headed toward its doom: a 60-second free-fall that ended in an explosion — and a new crater on Mars.
According to data it beamed to Earth, the 8-foot-wide probe survived a harrowing atmospheric reentry and a jerky parachute deployment.
But Paolo Ferri, the ESA's head of mission operations, said during a live video stream on Wednesday that something "unexpected" occurred when Schiaparelli was supposed to fire up its rocket engines and gently plop onto the surface of Mars.
Engineers have worked day-in and day-out to deduce what happened from the last bits of data sent from the probe, and a news release issued Friday afternoon confirms that it wasn't pretty.
The ESA's description of the spacecraft's failure was rather subdued (our emphasis added):
"Estimates are that Schiaparelli dropped from a height of between 2 and 4 kilometres, therefore impacting at a considerable speed, greater than 300 km/h," the ESA wrote. "The relatively large size of the feature would then arise from disturbed surface material. It is also possible that the lander exploded on impact, as its thruster propellant tanks were likely still full."
In short: The probe fell out of the sky from more than a mile up, impacted the ground at more than 185 mph, and catastrophically blew up with its tanks full of fuel.
In the event there's any doubt that this happened, just look at this animation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), which snapped a photo of Schiaparelli's suspected landing site a day after it was supposed to land:
The animation alternates between two views of the site: one photographed in May 2016, and the second on October 20, 2016.
The right pane is a zoomed-in view of the site. It clearly shows a dark spray of material that spans 130 feet wide, or roughly a 13-story building on its side — a sooty black stain that used to be Schiaparelli.
In case it's hard to see, here's a marked-up version of the "after" image, which also shows the lander's parachute (a white dot) about two-thirds of a mile south of the impact site:
Mars is hard
Had Schiaparelli's landed, it would have been the ESA's first spacecraft to safely reach the surface of the red planet.
Unfortunately, these images mean the probe has joined a growing graveyard of failed Martian spacecraft.
For Russia, which collaborated with ESA on the mission, Schiaparelli is the nation's seventh failed Mars landing (though it put two satellites into orbit around Mars while it was still the Soviet Union).
Fortunately, Schiaparelli is just one-half of the ExoMars 2016 mission; the other half is Schiaparelli's mother ship, the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). The ESA said the orbiter seems to have safely entered into Mars orbit on Wednesday, which means its task of sniffing for methane on Mars — a potential sign of microbial life — can soon begin.
The lander's mission was designed as a precursor to a more ambitious rover mission planned for 2020, so it's more of an engineering proof-of-concept than a science mission. Still, the mission failed and officials were quick to downplay the loss.
"We should remember this landing was a test," Ferri said on Wednesday. "And as part of the test, you want to learn what happened," he said, no matter the outcome.
Prior to Schiaparelli, humanity tried 18 times to touch Mars with penetrators, landers, and wheeled rovers. Only eight such missions have ever succeeded.
The last time the ESA tried to land a probe on Mars, in 2003, it failed.
Its Beagle 2 lander successfully jettisoned from an orbiting spacecraft. Aside a final signal before its descent, however, the robot robot never contacted Earth again.
It wasn't until January 2015 — more than a decade later — that NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter found and photographed the dead rover in a satellite image. A subsequent investigation found that its solar panels had failed to deploy, so it never mustered the energy to phone home.
A harrowing descent
The Schiaparelli lander departed from its TGO mother ship the morning of October 16.
About 5 days later it began a hair-raising descent to the surface of Mars that should have taken less than 6 minutes, since it was initially traveling at 13,000 mph (21,000 kph).
To slow down, Schiaparelli first burned through a heat shield, deployed a parachute, and later cut the parachute and heat shield loose.
From here on in the timeline, some kind of fault doomed the probe.
Schiaparelli was supposed to fire its thrusters and slow toward the surface until its sensors detected that it was hovering just a few feet from the ground.
At that point the thrusters should have stopped, dropping the probe with a thud onto a honeycomb-like pad that's designed to crumple and absorb the impact.
Had the probe survived, it would have also taken pictures of its descent and attempted to measure Mars' electric field for the first time, among other limited scientific observations.
May it rest in pieces.
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