While NASA is mostly known for studying the outer reaches of our solar system, it's trained countless satellites on Earth, giving scientists a cornucopia of data about our changing planet.
But sometimes, science and art aren't so different. In November, NASA's Global Climate Change Group released the most stunning images taken by satellites and astronauts in space.
Many of these images are in false color, which scientists use to display images and features that aren't usually visible to the naked eye.
Here is our selections of the best of the bunch:
No, this isn't a scene from a sci-fi movie — this spacesuit is empty. Dubbed SuitSat-1, this unneeded Russian space suit was filled with old clothes and launched to orbit the Earth in 2006.

This is the Mississippi River, pictured just south of Memphis, Tennessee in 2003. You can see the blocky shapes of towns and fields surrounding the river. Countless oxbow lakes — which are formed as the river changes course — can be seen in the image as well.

This is the Lena River in Russia, one of the largest river systems in the world. It's also an important breeding ground for many Siberian species.

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